Alumni Weekend 2025!
Hi Captains,
It is that time of year again, Alumni Weekend. The women’s vball tournament will be set
up as usual. We will have two divisions this year. If you know an alumni team that wants to play and has not been notified, please let me know. Entries are due by March 21st.
Division 1-Competitive (Power Ball) Please note that for Division 1, all players must be a
graduate or married to a graduate. No friends or graduates from another school are eligible to play. Please try to keep the roster limited to players that are close together in graduation years. It is essential to send a roster before the tournament.
Division 2-Non-competitive - Recreation Volleyball - Parents of players may form a team for the year that their child would graduate or child did graduate. Because this is recreation and non competitive, please don’t put on the roster a varsity player who graduated less than 10 years ago. Alumni may not play on a Parent Team (Class of ____) unless they also have kids who have graduated or will graduate that same year.
Each division’s winning team will receive championship t-shirts.
You can register online now. If that does not work for you, send the roster and check for $90 payable to McDonell Alumni Assoc. & addressed to McDonell high school (1316 Bel Air BLVD), or you can drop it off at school. You may also pay the day of the tournament but please submit your roster by March 13th. I will use email to get you times and schedule of games.
The tournament will be on Sat., April 5th. Division 2 will start first, Times TBD. Division 1 will follow or possibly overlap. Format will be determined by the number of teams that enter. GOOD LUCK! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please let me know. Let’s have a great time and show our McDonell spirit.
Steve Roesler
H: 715-404-5894